DUG Community Garden Plot Registration Form

Thank you for choosing to garden with Denver Urban Gardens (DUG). Let’s grow together!

We estimate it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete this registration form. Each adult (18+) gardening with you will also need to complete this form. 

There are 6 pages in this form:

1. Contact Information
2. Demographics
3. Agreements & Waivers
4. Plot Info & Fees
5. Garden Specific Options
6. Summary & Payment

For gardens on school property, gardeners must also complete a background check. Contact your Garden Leader for instructions. Thanks for your help!


IMPORTANT: You must receive permission directly from the Garden Leader before registering 
for a plot at this garden. If you submit this form without permission from the Garden Leader, your payment will be automatically refunded, minus a $25 handling fee.

DUG's Plot Refund Policy:
Refunds are handled on a case by case basis. Please contact your Garden Leader. 


 This is the WRONG link.

Please contact your Garden Leader for the correct link. 

If this is not your garden, do NOT complete this form. Please contact your Garden Leader for the correct link.

Register before this date or your plot may be given to the next person on the waitlist.

Hidden Fields - DO NOT DELETE

Page 2 - Demographics

The following questions will help DUG understand both who we are serving and how we can best support you. It is vital that DUG’s work equitably supports the many diverse communities we work with. By completing this section, you are helping to ensure that DUG is becoming a more inclusive organization reflective of and responsive to our community. All answers you provide in this section will remain anonymous and confidential and will be stored securely to protect your personal identity and information.

Page 3 - Agreements & Waivers

DUG Community Agreements, Gardener Authorization & Responsibilities
The following guidelines outline the management of the community garden and its site property. These guidelines have been established by Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) and are provided to the property owner as a basis for a use agreement between the two parties. In turn, DUG provides gardeners with the authority and permission to use the garden site. We, as a community, have a shared responsibility to keep our community garden managed effectively. The community garden is a privilege, and everything works more smoothly when people are involved in its overall upkeep. DUG community gardens have a volunteer Garden Leader and are encouraged to form a Garden Leadership Committee to collect plot fees and DUG Dues, assign plots, organize maintenance, and coordinate garden-related activities. With your agreement, you acknowledge, as a participating gardener, responsibility for the following:

1. PEOPLE CARE: You agree to treat your fellow gardeners as you would like to be treated. You agree to submit an annual plot application to your Garden Leader. You agree to be kind to others and open to communication. You agree to read DUG newsletters and stay informed and engaged with DUG. You recognize that there are many different ways to garden and grow, and you are respectful of others’ practices that are different than your own. You embrace that children might be present in your garden. Each gardener is responsible for conducting themselves in a civil manner that is mutually beneficial to all participants and to the garden as a whole. Unacceptable conduct generally includes, but is not limited to, vegetable theft, tool theft, profanity, offensive behavior, harmful verbal or written communications between or about fellow gardeners, or other incivilities associated with personal interactions as they relate to the community garden. DUG reserves the right to revoke your plot, at any time, due to any unacceptable conduct, as determined by DUG at its discretion

2. FAIR SHARE: School-based gardeners may be asked to care for school plots during summer. One garden plot per household per garden if the garden has a waitlist. Extra plots in gardens can be used for food donation, communal plots, assigned by equity (larger families), or assigned using a lottery system. Second plots are for one season only if there is a waitlist the following year. Avoid food waste and grow what you can maintain. If you have excess produce, share with your neighbors or donate to food access organizations. Aim to share 10% of the food your garden grows. You agree to work collaboratively with a diversity of people for the benefit of the community garden as a whole. Maintenance of common areas and furnishings, fencing, trees, trash receptacles, compost bins, street and alley right-of-way, and water lines are the shared responsibility of all gardeners. You agree to complete your community garden’s required volunteer service hours (varies by garden). Participating in volunteer tasks such as weeding common areas, caring for community plantings and areas, caring for gardening tools, etc., by providing a minimum number of hours per month, as specified by your Garden Leader, to the community garden. Failure to contribute your hours will result in the loss of gardening privileges. You agree to tend your plot and maintain the pathways around it. If for any reason, you are unable to care for your plot, you are required to notify the Garden Leader and/or Leadership Committee and make arrangements with other gardeners to water and maintain your plot during your absence. If a garden appears neglected/abandoned (unwatered and/or overrun with weeds), you will be given ten (10) days' notice to maintain your plot. After this time, your plot will be reassigned.

3. EARTH CARE: You agree to be kind to the earth, including plants, soil, nature, and other living things. DUG Community Gardens are strictly organic. The use of non-organic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers is prohibited and could result in your plot being forfeited and reassigned. DUG community gardeners agree to use only organic growing methods. Do not harvest or take anything in the garden unless you grew it or it’s offered to you. Dogs may not be allowed inside the garden (with exception of service dogs); ask your Garden Leader. DUG adheres to water-wise practices, in respect of Colorado’s high desert climate. Excess water cannot drain onto the street or adjacent property. Stay on-site while watering to avoid water waste (timers may not be used); respect 10am - 6pm water restrictions through Denver Water. Smoking in the garden is prohibited. No cannabis may be grown in the garden. No outside food waste is permitted in garden plots or compost piles. Gardeners must have their plot planted by June 15 (or an earlier date as specified by your Garden Leader), or the plot will be forfeited and reassigned. Each gardener is responsible for clearing their plot at the close of the season. All dead plants, weeds, trash, tools, sticks, and cages are to be removed or stored by November 1, or the plot may be forfeited and reassigned.

4. FEES: You agree to submit payment for plot fees and DUG Dues owed each season, unless otherwise waived by your Garden Leader. 

5. If a gardener gives up their plot or the plot is revoked, the plot returns to the garden and will be assigned to someone on the waitlist by the Garden Leadership.

6. Garden Leadership Committees shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, marital status, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or military status in its garden membership and the administration of its programs. 

7. DUG centers equity as one of its organizational values and we value diversity — in backgrounds and in experiences. We believe food is a universal right, and we need people from all backgrounds and swaths of life to help build the future of our food system. DUG is an Equal Opportunity organization, and our staff and volunteers are people with different strengths, experiences, and backgrounds, who share a passion for improving people's lives. Diversity includes not only race and gender identity, but also age, disability status, veteran status, sexual orientation, religion, and many other parts of one’s identity. All of our employee’s points of view are key to our success, and inclusion is everyone's responsibility.
Waiver & Release
1. I acknowledge that I have talked to a Garden Leader, and I have been accepted as a member of this garden. If I have applied without permission, my payment will be refunded, minus a $25 handling fee.

2. I desire to participate voluntarily in gardening and other activities sponsored and coordinated by Denver Urban Gardens on the above-specified community garden site. I understand that DUG is granting me a revocable license to participate in this community garden, and such license may be revoked by DUG at any time if I violate any of the agreements or responsibilities set forth in the previous waiver.

3.  If I am gardening as part of an organization or leading an organization, I desire to participate voluntarily in programming at the community garden specified above. I understand that DUG is not liable for any damage to my property.

4. I understand, accept, and assume the risks associated with participation in any and all activities at the garden site or involving DUG, including, without limitation, any harm resulting from tools or structures located or used at the garden site, and the actions of other gardeners (including any negligent or wrongful actions).

5. I assume full responsibility for any injuries which may occur to me, as well as the safety of my family and guests, any damage or personal property, and do hereby fully and forever discharge and release the community garden site landowner and DUG, its employees, board members, officers, agents, authorized volunteers, representatives, consultants, insurers and sureties, and their successors and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any “Claims.” “Claims,” as used in this document, mean any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, whether the same be known, anticipated, or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of my presence or the presence of my family members and guests at the garden, activities at the garden, the use or intended use of the garden, and/or participation in activities connected with DUG including, without limitation, any of the foregoing resulting from or arising out of the negligence of a Released Party. Further, I hereby waive any and all Claims against a Released Party.

6. I expressly acknowledge that participation in the community garden is for my purposes and convenience and not for the purpose and convenience of any one or more of the Released Parties.

7. I will permit the use of my name and picture in broadcasts, telecasts, newspapers, brochures, etc.

8. In the event that a dispute arises between gardeners or between a gardener(s) and the designated garden leadership committee, and a resolution of the dispute cannot be reached by these parties, I agree to have DUG act as the arbitrator of the dispute, and I further agree to adhere to DUGʼs decision as final.

9. For gardeners at school-based community gardens: I understand that DUG's Use Agreement with the school districts requires a name only background check for all gardeners at school-based gardens. I also understand that if I wish to volunteer and support students directly, at least once per month or more, and in situations with the likely possibility where a school staff member or fingerprinted volunteer is not in a supervisory role, it is my responsibility to contact DUG to complete the additional required fingerprint background check.
Bee Hives in the Garden
Garden Rules / Agreement
City / Local Municipality Waiver

Page 4 - Plot Info & Fees

Community Garden Plot

You must have permission from your Garden Leader to register for more than one plot. If there is a waitlist, please take only one plot so that others may participate.

Entering a plot number here does NOT guarantee that specific plot. Plot assignments are between you and your Garden Leader.

Plot Fees
belong to your garden. This money covers expenses such as hoses, tools, plot frames, compost, straw, special projects, social activities, etc. If you are able, please consider donating a little extra to your garden (below). 




Thank you for supporting your community garden! This is an additional gift directly to your garden and is considered tax deductible. Your confirmation email will serve as your tax receipt.
Denver Urban Gardens
The DUG team secures the following for every one of our 200+ gardens so you get to focus on growing food and building community.
  • access to land
  • access to water
  • insurance
  • tech support
  • garden leader support
This is a huge investment every year—and we can’t do it without you. Support the people who keep your garden growing!
DUG Dues Graphic

DUG Dues may be paid on a sliding scale. Any amount over $25 is a charitable donation and is tax deductible. Your confirmation email will serve as your tax receipt.

Page 5 - Garden Specific Options

Background Check
Per DUG's agreements with the school districts, a background check is required of all adult (18+) gardeners at gardens located on school property. 

If you are a new gardener or if you are a returning gardener and need to renew your background check, please contact your Garden Leader for instructions.
DUG background checks are processed through Sterling Volunteers. You must have an approved background check on file before submitting this registration form. Gardeners at schools in Denver and Jefferson counties must renew their background checks every 5 years. All other gardeners must renew every year. Gardeners in Aurora must additionally provide a copy of their photo ID.
Background Check Fee - $12 per person
(only for new gardeners and those renewing their background checks this year)


Straw Purchase
Pay for straw here. Distribution is handled at your garden. Ask your Garden Leader for details. 


Service Hours


Fundraising for Supplies / Activities / Projects

Thank you for supporting your community garden! This is an additional gift directly to your garden and is considered tax deductible. Your confirmation email will serve as your tax receipt.
Your Availability

Committee / Team Sign Up

Garden Events & Activities

Notes to Garden Leader

Page 6 - Summary & Payment

Fee Summary
Please make sure these amounts are correct. Use the Previous Page button below to make any changes. 
includes (^) + DUG Dues over 25
You have selected to pay $500 or more. Are you sure this is correct?

Use the Previous Page button below to go back and make any changes. 

We process over 3000 plot registrations every year. Thank you for helping us save time by paying electronically. We accept all major Credit and Debit Cards and Venmo. And new this year, you can pay directy from your bank account. All transactions are secure and no credit card or account nubmers are stored in our systems. 

We also accept Cash and Checks. These require extra paperwork, time and effort by your Garden Leader, DUG Staff and the Finance Team. We appreciate your efforts to choose another method if possible, but we are still happy to accept your payment by cash or check.   

Credit / Debit Card

Please click submit to complete your plot registration and process your payment.

Please click Submit only ONCE to avoid charging your card multiple times. Thank you!
ACH / eCheck (Bank Account)

Please click submit to complete your plot registration and process your payment.

Please click Submit only ONCE to avoid charging your account multiple times. Thank you!
To pay by Venmo, follow these steps: 

  1. Scan the QR Code below using the camera app on your phone and tap the link that pops up ~ OR ~ Open the Venmo app and search for @DUG-acctg
  2. Press the New Payment button in the Venmo app
  3. Enter your TOTAL AMOUNT DUE as calculated above
  4. In the "What's it for?" section, type your GARDEN NAME and the breakdown of your payment (For example, “$50 Plot Fee + $25 DUG Dues for ABC Garden”)
  5. Click Pay
DUG Venmo QR Code
Please click submit to complete your plot registration. Thank you!
Cash or Check
Please consider paying electronically (Credit or Debit Card, ACH/eCheck, Venmo). 

To pay with a cash or check, please make the check out to DUG and give the cash or check to your Garden Leader. Include a note about how much you are paying. 

Example: John Smith, Some Community Garden, 30 Plot Fee, 25 DUG Dues, 12 Background Check, 20 Donation to Garden.

Please do NOT mail your Cash or Check payment directly to DUG or it will be returned to you. Give your payment to your Garden Leader, who will fill out the necessary paperwork and then send it to DUG. 

Please click submit to complete your plot registration. Thank you!